Thursday, November 13, 2008

The building blocks of the urban image are a thousand particles...

of rust, dried compressed gum, dust, unknown liquid leaks, paint, mold ...and that is what concerns me in particular. The being and livelihood of inanimate objects and how they project themselves can be approached via many different perspectives. A speck on the wall can be a speck on the wall, but it can also be an indicator that there are processes that occur, spontaneously or intentionally, that imbue that wall with a bit of chaos which in turn creates variety of shapes and images. What purpose to the onlooker does a concrete block serve unless it offers some kind of visual entertainment that does not take up too much attention, but yet, it leaves some kind of impact that tickles our perceptive utensils. A simple stroll can be filled with thousands of such surprises-particles that are part of the bigger picture, that exist on the ground, in corners, on the walls...everywhere around us in the urban environment.
Not seldom do the elements of nature combine forces to attack a structure or an object. They create processes seemingly unsightly which in turn inspire men to respond with chemicals and solvents, to maintain the immaculate appearance of the targeted object. Worry not! The processes always win. They tarnish and begrime and beautify our living and working space, creating playful patterns that contribute to the overall feeling of living in Urbania among all the buildings, fire hydrants, trains, cars, manholes, pipes, roofs. In a way, it can be portrayed as nature fighting back men's conquest of its realms. In another way, it is a small gift to people to enjoy long walks amidst the concrete matter.


jensonlim said...

Tracks of energy transferring from one to another?

readmymind said...

wow... a new way to observe concrete. thank you : )